
    Process Improvement in Volume Resistivity Detection of Semi-Conductive Shield for Large-Scale Cables

    • 摘要: 半导电屏蔽体积电阻率是反馈电缆电性能的重要指标之一。目前,检测大规格电缆半导电屏蔽体积电阻率存在手动制样表面不平整、制样效率低、电阻检测数据不稳定等问题。文中采用大规格切割机,解决大规格电缆的制样问题;通过改进工艺,制作固定模具和铜片模具,以固定模具法代替自粘铜带法检测半导电绝缘屏蔽体积电阻率,以铜片模具法代替涂导电膏法检测半导电导体屏蔽体积电阻率;同时,以64/110 kV电缆为例,选取不同标称截面面积的电缆进行半导电屏蔽体积电阻率的对比试验。结果表明,新的工艺和检测方法改进了电缆半导电屏蔽体积电阻率的检测效率,提高了检测数据的稳定性,可满足试验要求。


      Abstract: Volumn resistivity of semi-conductive shield is one of the important indicators to reflect electrical properties of cables. Currently, volume resistivity detection of semi-conductive shield in large-scale cables exists some problems, such as uneven surface, low sample preparation efficiency and unstable resistance test data. In the paper, large-scale cutting machine was adopted to solve sample preparation problem of large-size cables. A fixed mold and a copper sheet mold were made to improve the process. The fixed mold method was used to replace the self-adhesive copper tape method for volume resistivity detection of semi-conductive insulation shield, and the copper sheet mold method was used to replace the conductive paste coating method for volume resistivity detection of semi-conductive conductor shield. Taking 64/110 kV cable as an example, volume resistivity of semi-conductive shield was carried out for cables with different nominal cross-sectional areas. Results showed that the new process and detection method could meet test requirements, improve volume resistivity detection efficiency of semi-conductive shield for large-scale cables, and enhance the stability of detection data.


    • ©上海电缆研究所有限公司《电线电缆》编辑部版权所有,未经授权不得转载、改编。

