Overview of Standards and Specifications for Polypropylene Insulation Power Cables and Its Materials in China
摘要: 聚丙烯绝缘电力电缆因其优异的电气性能、环境友好及可回收等性能得到国内外相关领域的广泛关注。随着聚丙烯电缆的推广应用,目前已形成部分关于聚丙烯电缆及其材料的标准规范。文中针对国内行业已发布的多项热塑性聚丙烯电缆及聚丙烯电缆材料相关的团体标准,对比分析了各标准文件的试验项目、条件和要求,深入讨论了当前业内对聚丙烯电缆工程应用的疑虑,并提出了聚丙烯电缆标准化进程的研究方向,为未来聚丙烯电缆更科学的标准化发展提供参考指引。Abstract: Polypropylene insulation power cables have been widely concerned in related fields at home and abroad because of their excellent electrical properties, eco-friendly and recyclable features. With the popularization and application of polypropylene cables, several standards and specifications for polypropylene cables and their materials have been formed. In view of a number of group standards on thermoplastic polypropylene cables and polypropylene cable materials published by domestic industry, the test items, conditions and requirements of each normative documents were compared, the problems concerned were discussed in the engineering application of polypropylene cables, and the research directions for standardization process of polypropylene cables were proposed. These could provide reference and guidance for more scientific and standardized development of polypropylene cables system in the future.