Microstructure of galvanized steel wire before and after cold drawing was observed by scanning electron microscopy, phase structure changes of the coating were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, and corrosion resistance changes were also studied by electrochemical performance testing. Results showed that tensile strength of the steel wire increased from 1 050 MPa to 2 035 MPa after secondary cold drawing, and matrix structure evolved into a fibrous structure along drawing direction. Besides, coating thickness was significantly decreased, and the self corrosion potential showed no significant change, which remained within the range of -1.04 V and -1.02 V. However, corrosion current density reduced from 6.080×10
-5 A·cm
-2 to 8.607×10
-6 A·cm
-2, and impedance arc significantly increased. As a result, cold drawing deformation could not only enhance the strength of galvanized steel wire, but also enhance its corrosion resistance.