
    A Method for Calculating Grounding Current of AC Submarine Cable Armor Based on Load Current

    • 摘要: 海底电缆铠装与大地连接形成回路,高压交流电缆线芯的负荷电流通过电磁感应在海底电缆铠装层产生感应电压,感应电压通过回路形成铠装接地电流。铠装接地电流已在海底电缆安全运行和载流量计算等方面广泛应用。文中建立海底电缆接地电流的计算模型,根据基尔霍夫电压定律对模型中的回路列写方程组,方程组右侧的铠装层感应电压依据电磁感应定律可以被线芯负荷电流线性表示。通过克拉默法则计算方程组的解,铠装接地电流被负荷电流通过电缆相间距离和本体结构参数组成的行列式线性表达。舟山—宁波500 kV交流海底电缆实际运行案例表明,基于负荷电流计算铠装接地电流的方法简单、有效、可行。


      Abstract: Submarine cable armor is connected to the earth to form a circuit,and load current of high-voltage AC cable core generates an induced voltage in submarine cable armor layer through electromagnetic induction.Induced voltage passes through the circuit to form armor grounding current.Armor grounding current has been applied in safe operation and current carrying capacity calculation of submarine cables.In the paper,a calculation model for grounding current of submarine cables was established,and an equation system for the circuit in model based on Kirchhoff’ s voltage law was wrote.Induced voltage of armor layer on the right side of the equation system could be linearly represented by load current of wire core according to electromagnetic induction law.By using Kramer’ s rule to calculate the solution of the equation system,armor grounding current was expressed linearly in a load current determinant composed of cable phase distance and structural parameters of the body.Actual operation case of Zhoushan-Ningbo 500 kV AC submarine cable showed that the method of calculating armor grounding current based on load current was simple,effective and feasible.


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