一起地线带电引发的10 kV电缆故障分析及预防措施

    Analysis and Preventive Measures of 10 kV Cable Fault Triggered by Energised Earth Wire

    • 摘要: 近年来,随着10 kV高压电缆设备体量逐年快速增长,电缆故障次数也逐渐增加,对已发生的电缆故障进行深入研究,分析原因并制定应对措施,将故障消除在萌芽状态变得至关重要。通过介绍一起典型的10 kV电缆故障抢修、原因分析等过程,剖析一类变压器低压侧中性点带电引发的高压侧10 kV电缆安全隐患,并提出针对性预防措施,确保及时发现并消除此类风险,保障电缆设备安全稳定运行。


      Abstract: In recent years,with the rapid growth of 10 kV high-voltage cable equipment volume year by year,the number of cable faults has gradually increased.It is essential to conduct an in-depth research,analyze the causes and develop countermeasures to eliminate faults in the bud.A typical 10 kV cable fault repair,cause analysis and other processes was introduced.A class of transformer low-voltage side neutral point charged triggered by the highvoltage side 10 kV cable safety risks was analyzed.And targeted preventive measures to ensure timely detection and elimination of such risks were put forward to ensure the safe and stable operation of cable equipment.


